PADI Kids programs opens up the world of underwater exploration to kids 8 and up. The programs are PADI Bubblemaker, PADI Seal Team and PADI Master Seal. At age 10, kids can enroll in the PADI Open Water Diver course to become a Junior Open Water Diver.
PADI Bubblemaker is an introduction to SCUBA in a pool. Kids stay in water shallower than 6 feet/2 meters. Bubblemaker is a great program that can run for 20-60 minutes. If you want the coolest birthday party ever, think about a PADI Bubblemaker Birthday Party. Kids not only explore the underwater world, but they also receive a Bubblemaker toy, a Bubblemaker towel and a Bubblemaker Logbook plus a few other goodies.
PADI SealTeam goes beyond Bubblemaker by learning more about SCUBA equipment and some basic scuba skills including breathing underwater, swimming underwater, recovering and clearing a regulator and hovering/buoyancy control. Seal Team includes 5 AquaMissions, learning and developing their basic diving skills. Upon completion, PADI Seal Team can be credited towards the PADI Junior Open Water Diver course.
PADI Master Seal’s have completed the basic 5 Seal Team AquaMissions plus ten Specialty AquaMissions. The Specialty AquaMissions include: Creature ID, Environmental Specialist, Navigation, Night Specialist, Safety Specialist, Search and Recovery, Snapshot Specialist and (one of my favorites) Wreck Specialist.
What’s a Wreck Specialty Aquamission look like? First we need a wreck…
- Kids as young as 8 can explore the underwater world.
- The wreck is made from PVC pipe.
Once there’s a wreck, divers can explore it and sketch it, just like a wreck dive in open water.
Are your kids ready to take the plunge? Contact Jon about getting your kids to blow bubbles.