Many cases of Decompression Sickness (DCS) involve neurological complications. The two DCS cases I saw during my Diver Medical Technician course on Roatan made that abundantly clear. Often, we dive far from medical help. Transportation to medical care can take time. To help the physicians and medics, getting a baseline of the patients neurological symptoms is key. Sometimes, people don’t even notice they have symptoms unless you point them out. They might also try to deny they have symptoms. The DAN Neuro course helps on both fronts.
Skills Development
- Taking a History
- Taking vital signs
- Mental Function
- Consciousness
- Speech and Language
- Orientation to Time and Place
- Judgment
- Short-term Memory
- Abstract Reasoning
- Calculations
- Cranial Nerves
- Eye Control
- Facial Control
- Facial Sensation
- Hearing
- Motor Function
- Shoulders
- Biceps
- Triceps
- Finger spread
- Grip strength
- Hip flexors
- Quadriceps
- Hamstrings
- Feet
- Sensory Function
- Light Touch
- Sharp Touch
- Balance and Coordination
- Walking
- Finger-Nose-Finger